Saturday, October 30, 2010

Recycled Prom Dresses, Indianapolis

Montpellier supports Stéphane Hervé Ghesquière

Montpellier, Place de la Comedie: "304 balloons for our friends."

Stéphane Taponier et Hervé Ghesquière "Above all, do not forget them." Nacera when talking about his friends and Taponier Stéphane Hervé Ghesquière, his voice is sad. But she is not ready to despair. "For the moment, we do not know when they come home," she says. "So we need people to mobilize."

Nacera is part of the Support Committee and Stéphane Hervé . This committee is not an "official body". "We're just friends who want Herve Stephan and safe return."

That makes a dozen years that the young woman knows Stéphane Taponier whose family lives in Montpelier. "I did an internship at the time, and Stephane hosted me. Then we became very close friends." She never met Hervé Ghesquière, but is confident that soon he too will be his friend. "I will make his knowledge when they return." And they return, this is no doubt for her.

Comité de soutien, Montpellier
Two balls for two friends
The Day the city of Montpellier has launched 304 blue balloons, each balloon a symbol for a day of captivity, he was about to remind you Montpellier always thinking of their friends. "The mayor of Montpellier in France was the first to display their portraits," informs Nacera. During the first three months, nobody had the right to publish the names of the two hostages - "but as soon as possible, Montpellier has made known their names."

The worst, say other friends and Taponier Stéphane Hervé Ghesquière, is that nobody knows what really happened. The two journalists were on assignment in Afghanistan, accompanied by three Afghans for the magazine "Exhibits" France 3. On 29 December 2009, they were abducted by a group armed Taliban. Claim: the release of Taliban prisoners cons of both the French and their escorts.

A Gentleman in his fifties is for people around him. "Some reporters for 'Exhibit', it leaves thinking. Who says they have not discovered something that governments prefer to hide? We know that French soldiers in Afghanistan, and we know that it does not reveal the true number of deaths. And, in fact, that Sarkozy is to free the hostages? " Nobody replied.

Montpellier, Stéphane Taponier et Hervé Ghesquière Meanwhile, the "support committee and Herve Stephan" can only hope. "In Montpellier, we are thirty friends who continue to meet to talk about both." It is told of scenes that are either lived with journalists, exchange memories, friends Stéphane Taponier talk about him to others, and those of Hervé Ghesquière present it to those who do not know yet. "I've heard so much of Hervé" Nacera said, "I feel I have met him long ago."

"Waiting is difficult," seeing the members of which also Taponier Thierry's brother, Stephen, is a part. But as long as they are not alone, the wait is a little lighter. And Montpellier, they are surrounded. "In Paris, there is also action in Lille ..." When releasing the balloons 304th day of captivity of the two journalists, not just the mayor of Montpellier, Helen Mandroux, has assured its support. There was also the President of the Chamber of Commerce, the press club, the "reporters without borders," the Bar ... "They will release them!" Murmured a woman while her eyes follow the ball, and we understand she is talking to someone who is away from her. Then she bends over a boy: "Look at the balloons, they are not beautiful?
Photos and text are copyright Doris Kneller

Monday, October 25, 2010 Archiv

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Friday, October 22, 2010

How To Program 2010 Hyundai Elantra Remote

Cicrane in Montpellier: Michel Saillard and his comic theater

Laura Charpentier Juliet Phillips, Caroline Real and "Bitches Lives"

Chiennes de Vies, théatre La Cicrane à Montpellier Those who remember the impression of reliving the summer of 1979 when discovered by Stephane Collaro, Yoko Ono took out a season instead of ... Coluche itself. Köln, actor, comedian, journalist and television host, was the first to show their talent. Later, the public did not need anyone to realize it himself.

Later, it was the '80s, with "Cocoboy", "Cocoricocoboy" and, of course, "The cicrane and froum. But those who are too young to remember does not need reference "Historical". For them, today, right in the crest in Montpellier, he discovered what is 'real' comedy.

Café-théâtre la Cicrane à Montpellier Even if the "froum" is part the "cicrane" still sings. Or rather, she always makes her laugh the public in the form of a small theater founded in Montpellier in 1993 by Yoko Ono, alias Frederic Bodson and Michel Saillard. Pit Frederik Bodson, did not stay long in Montpellier - he wanted to find the capital and the cinema, but Michel Saillard is still there. And he still writes stories that make life more pleasant ...

Talk about life - basically, Michel Saillard scenarios that can be seen in his comic drama "The Cicrane" are not so funny as that. His subjects, that's life everyday. The stress of work, contacts with colleagues, little troubles of everyday life. Problems that everyone knows and, finally, nobody can solve. And yet, the public is crying with laughter.

Michel Saillard has the talent to its audience laugh on subjects that normally the bother. He uses laughter as a magic wand: a laugh, people understand that, ultimately, life is too good to be defeated by the wickedness of colleague, by the bad mood of its leader, for a rainy day or simply by loneliness. Its parts plant in the ideas of their viewers thought that, in fact, any problem can be solved. There is always someone who is willing to help. And nobody is really alone, as he is ready to open ... ie, Michel Saillard speaks of "living together".

Michel Saillard et le théâtre à Montpellier However, while people look at small parts of the comic theater Cicrane, there is not much room in their thoughts to philosophize about life and "living together". There is only room for laughter and fascination game of his actors. In part Bitches Lives currently in theaters, Laura Carpenter, Juliet Caroline Phillips and Real are fully absorbed in their roles as girls who want revenge on a boss "macho". The viewer has the impression that the three actresses themselves are affected by the misery it makes to its employees. The gestures, the expressions of the body or face, the way they speak, everything looks authentic.

But the strength of the script is not only what we see on stage but also in what he suggests. Thus, we never see the villain, but the "feel" all the time, first as a head abominable, later as a man can not be so bad as that ... The play makes the audience able to hate and to love a man he never met.

He who does not know it would never have the idea that Laura Carpenter, Juliet Caroline Phillips or Réali actresses could be beginners who have not yet accumulated experience on big stages. They just come out of their training - training that took place at the same place, so naturally, they play in "Lives of bitches." For train actors is an essential task Michel Saillard and his "Cicrane. For them he wrote his plays, and it was not until he realizes them.

Michel Saillard, la Cicrane à Montpellier Michel Saillard, former Pit of Rik and Rik has not changed. He was always a passionate man, and will remain until the end. Her passion is humor. As long as people laugh, they do no harm. Laughter makes life more beautiful, and there is no better remedy against sadness and sickness.

Undoubtedly, Michel Saillard is surrounded by its actors and actresses. But he also has a partner who is irreplaceable his life partner and his partner in the adventure of Cicrane - Claudine Bouygues, almost always "hidden" behind the scenes, guarantees quality of sound and light. It is largely a gamble.

It is true that Michel Saillard has rubbed shoulders with the men and women the most important show business, large theaters and the most famous studios. He enjoyed the luxury and glory - but today, as he says, he knows the joy. "I'm not there to make money," he says. It is there for the pleasure of seeing the actors play their parts - the actors he has trained himself. It is there to give viewers a good mood, and he is there for his passion of humor.
Photos and text are copyright Doris Kneller

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Wholesale I Heart Boobies Bracelet

event in Montpellier: pensions, Roma solidarity

Day 1 of the revolution has happened? - Vox Montpellier

Manifestation à Montpellier contre le projet des retraites 11 hours, inside the Polygon. Dozens of people are heading for the exit Esplanade. And every stop, stunned, before the iron gates closed. A security guard informed them that they can not get out, either here or next door - the only open exit is the place Paul Beck. The man seems exhausted. Patient, he repeats his answer to the same question: why?

is the manifestation of the students who scares responsible Polygon. They have threatened, as the security officer said, to break the "whole center. The people, eager to get out, do not respond well. "So we prisoners?" asked a woman in her thirties. And another, slightly older, laughs: "Prisoners of the Revolution. Friends, we're living a historic day."

Others are downright angry. "We have other things to do than go back to the place Paul Beck and around the entire building." - "If you do not want to let us out, would have had to close the doors when we entered." - "I have just come to the place Paul Beck. You would have had the courtesy to put a plate. "And indeed, there are always dozens of people crossing the polygon, counting on the output side Esplanade ...

Manifestation des lycéens à Montpellier Day 1 of the revolution is it happened? In Montpellier, opinions differ - there are people who call themselves "apolitical" - "Politics does not interest me, I count on me, not the state" - others think that anyway, nothing can be done, and still others want to "burn" Montpellier. Is there a way that would satisfy everyone?

"You'll see," says one of Mr. some forty years to question the team People Montpellier . "Sarkozy is right. The movement is nearing completion. People to ignite something, but they calm down quickly." When he gives his opinion, tens of thousands of people file past him, some excited, others calm, there are some who sing and others laugh. Another viewer, a little younger than the previous mixes in the conversation. "What can we expect people? Can show once, twice, even three times. But then we've had enough. The government expects that this time."

High school students who are on Comedy while youth event taking place around the center does not show more fierce. "We're young," said a young man, "pensions do not concern us yet. But there is question of principle. We must be united, and we can not quite afford." One of his companions said: "The pension is not for tomorrow, but someday we'll be there too. We fight for our future."

Manifestation à Montpellier "And it's not just about pensions," takes one of the girls. "There's more ... Roma, for example. We can not throw them out like that." A young man intervenes: "But we are not welcoming land either. But you're right "- it is for the girl -" you can not throw them out like that. We must find other solutions. In addition, most Roma are Europeans. "

If these students feel so committed, why did they not participate in the demonstration? -" We went to the event, "answered one of the girls," but it would not stay. They started breaking cars. We do not go for that. "-" She's right, "reflects one of the young men." We are going there for the cause. Because we want to show Sarkozy that we are here and we have a voice. But there are some who do not understand. They only want to break cars. "- His colleague is more skeptical:" Maybe it is Sarkozy himself who sends us people to discredit us ... "The others laugh, but their faces do not express joy.

Later, in a bus, step by step, crawls along the street Maguelone, two ladies of sixty years are angry. One of them just blame the driver for the delay. The they apologized and advancing the problems caused by the protests. "Excuses, always excuses," said the second lady. And the first "They take us for? We know that the event is over for hours. " Then they begin to discuss students. "They have not worked and they are already in the street," laments one of the ladies. "If they want to protest, they should also work." Another lady disagrees: "Now that is preparing their future." And a third woman, younger than two, intervenes: "The students do not show just for their future, but for solidarity."

Solidarity is a term often mentioned by Montpellier, these days. "We need the solidarity of everyone," said a lady in her thirties who claims to be "apolitical when you can afford it - not now, then. "And she continues:" What we need is the total strike. All France has to stop. But how? People can not afford an indefinite strike, they need their wages. I am sure that in principle one-day strike would be sufficient for the government to hear us - but it would have to be a day of total strike in which everyone participates. "
Photos and text are copyright Doris Kneller

Monday, October 11, 2010

Morrowind Russian Fix

Night in Montpellier: when EDF fails ...

Blackout around the station of Montpellier

Montpellier, l'Esplanade Montpellier, the city that never sleeps. Montpellier activates. Montpellier, where the streets are full of people, young and elderly, day and night. Montpellier, the city where it never gets dark ...

It is true that Montpellier are accustomed to move in the streets of their city, day and night, regardless of light needed to find their way or seeing people coming to meet them. What happens there, so if one day the lighting of Montpellier crashes?

Nothing is perfect - and the equipment of the EDF is no exception. Thus, the streets around the station were plunged into darkness for several hours. The team People Montpellier interviewed a group of young people, laughing, found their way into the black, as if nothing had happened ...

"I find it funny," replied a young man spontaneously. "We did not need much light, always, it is not natural. In addition, it is not really black. Look, there are windows that are bright and billboards. Enough , is not it? "

La nuit à Montpellier One of her friends disagree. "For you it's easy. With your tennis, you do not risk falling. But me with my high heels, it's harder. "- His friend laughed." Come near me, I will uphold you. "

Such support would certainly pleased all Montpellier - and their visitors - who, that evening, have ventured around the station. A man in his thirties carrying a large bag on his shoulders and he pulls a suitcase behind him is hopeless. "It's almost an hour I turning around. I have a list of streets that I have to take here on paper. "To demonstrate, he illuminates a sheet using his mobile phone." But that does good to me - there is no enough light to read the signs on the walls. "- Can he not get help to people? - He laughs a little bitterly." Some are afraid when I stopped in the dark, others tell me that they do not know ... "

A woman in her sixties confirms his words. When the team of" People of Montpellier "approach it, it recoils and, automatically, she presses her bag against her. But, finally, the presence of women on the team reassures her. "Normally, I'm not afraid," she says a little ashamed. "I usually go at night, and I never had bad games. But today, it is so dark ... anything can happen. "

La comédie : la nuit à Montpellier Another lady, a little younger, a question arises that, as she says, is "essential": "Normally, you see police cars everywhere. They move all the time. But today? Nothing. Where are the police in a night like this? They could, for example, help older people who have sight problems already under bright 'normal'. Today, these people can not move. "

She's right. Mr. A also a sixties progressing step by step. "I see absolutely nothing," says he, "and groping her foot the ground in search of a safe place for arise. "You must think I'm disabled, the way I move. But with all those holes in the sidewalk, I'm afraid of falling. If, again, the city sidewalks made us correct. But no, all the money goes into the construction of roads and trams. There is nothing left to smooth sidewalks. Pedestrians do not count in Montpellier. "

A lady in her forties walking in the middle of the street, too, "avoid the holes in the sidewalk." But another question bothering many more: "Do you know why there is no light now? Is it because of the strike? Twice Thank to our government: we are already suffering because it manipulates our pensions the way they want and throw out people who do not like him - now he must also suffer the consequences of a strike against his plans ... "Another lady

of roughly the same age is not of that opinion. "I think it is a power outage. But to be repaired, you can always wait. I had a fault with me, and this has taken a full week to send someone to EDF. We will have a lot of dark nights ahead ... "

A Gentleman of fifty years is less negative." If it crashes, they'll quickly spot. And if it strikes, it will not last forever. It is in Montpellier, not in Russia. "

Another Sir, a little younger, is of particular concern for security." If the thieves realize that the streets are more informed, they will respond quickly. And then we will do well to keep our bags. Even the houses are in danger of being burgled. "

Black is it really so dangerous? A young couple burst out laughing." Yes, of course, "the man replies," I'll take this opportunity to violate all the ladies who dare to go into the streets. "And his girlfriend says:" While violates women, I would pique their bags ... "

A lady in her fifties as she laughs." Look at the top. Today you can see some stars. It is not beautiful? It's so rare to Montpellier to see stars. "
Photos and text are copyright Doris Kneller

Specialized Expedition Bicycle

Anartchik city

25 and 26 September the collective Anartchik (DJALOUZ, RASH, PESCA, Utila and JENK) organized a jam in one of their spots, unfortunately doomed to disappear soon.
The event brought together some thirty graffiti around a common wall.
The program includes painting, Barbec 'and good humor.

Wall Construction

Dey and yellow in action
Euphoria, Myzer, Easu, Hoax, Roner, Love, Saner, Mister, Trash , Defco, Neok, Rash, Hakic, Pesca, Rafe, Shupa, Djalouz, Resh, Dey, Yelow et Skrypte

pix by Mouarf

Euphorie, Easu, Myser et Intox




Amour et Saner

Trash, Defco, Neok et Rash

Rafe, Shupa, Djalouz, Resh, Dey, Yelow, Skrypte
And a very nice video by The Wall mouarf:

JAM Anartchik from mouarf du Collectif PhotoGraff we Vimeo.

And during that time, LOVE, RAFE, OTIS, ELFA and Djuka were glued to the wall opposite.
pix by mouarf
We also used this event to make a short tour of the premises, occupied by heavily 2AC and APN.

Rash Djalouz, and Caligr Pesca

Hakic, Pesca, Djalouz, Moksa and Jenk
Caligr and Djalouz

Djalouz retail


Pix by himself
Djalouz detail










Lune et

Rash cache






SEPTIK est également put his past strokes accompanied DJALOUZ
Septik and Djalouz

pix by Djalouz


After a first wall Outside, OTIS, and LOVE Djuka attacked inside a cold wall to the lettering on warm background.

Otis and Love in Action
Otis Djuka and Love








Other items available on the blog of PGC: http://