Friday, October 22, 2010

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Cicrane in Montpellier: Michel Saillard and his comic theater

Laura Charpentier Juliet Phillips, Caroline Real and "Bitches Lives"

Chiennes de Vies, théatre La Cicrane à Montpellier Those who remember the impression of reliving the summer of 1979 when discovered by Stephane Collaro, Yoko Ono took out a season instead of ... Coluche itself. Köln, actor, comedian, journalist and television host, was the first to show their talent. Later, the public did not need anyone to realize it himself.

Later, it was the '80s, with "Cocoboy", "Cocoricocoboy" and, of course, "The cicrane and froum. But those who are too young to remember does not need reference "Historical". For them, today, right in the crest in Montpellier, he discovered what is 'real' comedy.

Café-théâtre la Cicrane à Montpellier Even if the "froum" is part the "cicrane" still sings. Or rather, she always makes her laugh the public in the form of a small theater founded in Montpellier in 1993 by Yoko Ono, alias Frederic Bodson and Michel Saillard. Pit Frederik Bodson, did not stay long in Montpellier - he wanted to find the capital and the cinema, but Michel Saillard is still there. And he still writes stories that make life more pleasant ...

Talk about life - basically, Michel Saillard scenarios that can be seen in his comic drama "The Cicrane" are not so funny as that. His subjects, that's life everyday. The stress of work, contacts with colleagues, little troubles of everyday life. Problems that everyone knows and, finally, nobody can solve. And yet, the public is crying with laughter.

Michel Saillard has the talent to its audience laugh on subjects that normally the bother. He uses laughter as a magic wand: a laugh, people understand that, ultimately, life is too good to be defeated by the wickedness of colleague, by the bad mood of its leader, for a rainy day or simply by loneliness. Its parts plant in the ideas of their viewers thought that, in fact, any problem can be solved. There is always someone who is willing to help. And nobody is really alone, as he is ready to open ... ie, Michel Saillard speaks of "living together".

Michel Saillard et le théâtre à Montpellier However, while people look at small parts of the comic theater Cicrane, there is not much room in their thoughts to philosophize about life and "living together". There is only room for laughter and fascination game of his actors. In part Bitches Lives currently in theaters, Laura Carpenter, Juliet Caroline Phillips and Real are fully absorbed in their roles as girls who want revenge on a boss "macho". The viewer has the impression that the three actresses themselves are affected by the misery it makes to its employees. The gestures, the expressions of the body or face, the way they speak, everything looks authentic.

But the strength of the script is not only what we see on stage but also in what he suggests. Thus, we never see the villain, but the "feel" all the time, first as a head abominable, later as a man can not be so bad as that ... The play makes the audience able to hate and to love a man he never met.

He who does not know it would never have the idea that Laura Carpenter, Juliet Caroline Phillips or Réali actresses could be beginners who have not yet accumulated experience on big stages. They just come out of their training - training that took place at the same place, so naturally, they play in "Lives of bitches." For train actors is an essential task Michel Saillard and his "Cicrane. For them he wrote his plays, and it was not until he realizes them.

Michel Saillard, la Cicrane à Montpellier Michel Saillard, former Pit of Rik and Rik has not changed. He was always a passionate man, and will remain until the end. Her passion is humor. As long as people laugh, they do no harm. Laughter makes life more beautiful, and there is no better remedy against sadness and sickness.

Undoubtedly, Michel Saillard is surrounded by its actors and actresses. But he also has a partner who is irreplaceable his life partner and his partner in the adventure of Cicrane - Claudine Bouygues, almost always "hidden" behind the scenes, guarantees quality of sound and light. It is largely a gamble.

It is true that Michel Saillard has rubbed shoulders with the men and women the most important show business, large theaters and the most famous studios. He enjoyed the luxury and glory - but today, as he says, he knows the joy. "I'm not there to make money," he says. It is there for the pleasure of seeing the actors play their parts - the actors he has trained himself. It is there to give viewers a good mood, and he is there for his passion of humor.
Photos and text are copyright Doris Kneller


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