Blackout around the station of Montpellier

It is true that Montpellier are accustomed to move in the streets of their city, day and night, regardless of light needed to find their way or seeing people coming to meet them. What happens there, so if one day the lighting of Montpellier crashes?
Nothing is perfect - and the equipment of the EDF is no exception. Thus, the streets around the station were plunged into darkness for several hours. The team People Montpellier interviewed a group of young people, laughing, found their way into the black, as if nothing had happened ...
"I find it funny," replied a young man spontaneously. "We did not need much light, always, it is not natural. In addition, it is not really black. Look, there are windows that are bright and billboards. Enough , is not it? "

Such support would certainly pleased all Montpellier - and their visitors - who, that evening, have ventured around the station. A man in his thirties carrying a large bag on his shoulders and he pulls a suitcase behind him is hopeless. "It's almost an hour I turning around. I have a list of streets that I have to take here on paper. "To demonstrate, he illuminates a sheet using his mobile phone." But that does good to me - there is no enough light to read the signs on the walls. "- Can he not get help to people? - He laughs a little bitterly." Some are afraid when I stopped in the dark, others tell me that they do not know ... "
A woman in her sixties confirms his words. When the team of" People of Montpellier "approach it, it recoils and, automatically, she presses her bag against her. But, finally, the presence of women on the team reassures her. "Normally, I'm not afraid," she says a little ashamed. "I usually go at night, and I never had bad games. But today, it is so dark ... anything can happen. "

She's right. Mr. A also a sixties progressing step by step. "I see absolutely nothing," says he, "and groping her foot the ground in search of a safe place for arise. "You must think I'm disabled, the way I move. But with all those holes in the sidewalk, I'm afraid of falling. If, again, the city sidewalks made us correct. But no, all the money goes into the construction of roads and trams. There is nothing left to smooth sidewalks. Pedestrians do not count in Montpellier. "
A lady in her forties walking in the middle of the street, too, "avoid the holes in the sidewalk." But another question bothering many more: "Do you know why there is no light now? Is it because of the strike? Twice Thank to our government: we are already suffering because it manipulates our pensions the way they want and throw out people who do not like him - now he must also suffer the consequences of a strike against his plans ... "Another lady
of roughly the same age is not of that opinion. "I think it is a power outage. But to be repaired, you can always wait. I had a fault with me, and this has taken a full week to send someone to EDF. We will have a lot of dark nights ahead ... "
A Gentleman of fifty years is less negative." If it crashes, they'll quickly spot. And if it strikes, it will not last forever. It is in Montpellier, not in Russia. "
Another Sir, a little younger, is of particular concern for security." If the thieves realize that the streets are more informed, they will respond quickly. And then we will do well to keep our bags. Even the houses are in danger of being burgled. "
Black is it really so dangerous? A young couple burst out laughing." Yes, of course, "the man replies," I'll take this opportunity to violate all the ladies who dare to go into the streets. "And his girlfriend says:" While violates women, I would pique their bags ... "
A lady in her fifties as she laughs." Look at the top. Today you can see some stars. It is not beautiful? It's so rare to Montpellier to see stars. "
Photos and text are copyright Doris Kneller
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