Friday, December 31, 2010

Cervix At Menstruation

Montpellier Montpellier: A Concert for Stephen Taponier and Hervé Ghesquière

"Steph and Herve were with us this evening, the concert will be perfect." - Montpellier, one year after Stephane Taponier and Hervé Ghesquière

Un concert pour Stéphane Taponier et Hervé Ghesquière "This is not normal," said Mr. in his sixties, "they hurt anyone."
The man who speaks
stands in front of the Opera Comedy on the Place de la Comedie in Montpellier. Before him on the steps of the Opera-Comedie, a concert takes place gigantic fifty groups and singers came to Montpellier to present an evening of music that will be memorable, a real birthday party. But this is not a happy anniversary. It marks a year of captivity for two men that many people know and are liked by all those who have encountered: Herve Stephan and, as told by people who feel close to them. They think Taponier and Stéphane Hervé Ghesquière, the two journalists held hostage in Afghanistan.

The word we hear more, tonight on the Place de la Comédie, is "courage." It is probably a lot of courage to Stéphane Taponier, Hervé Ghesquière, their families and friends to cope. For since October, the 304th day of their ordeal in Afghanistan where the press club of Montpellier, in collaboration with the city - Helena Mandroux was present - has launched 304 balloons "to not forget them", nothing has moved.

Un concert pour les deux journalistes enlevés en Afghanistan Indeed, almost nothing has changed throughout this year. In early February, more than two months after their abduction, France Televisions is silent. Only after protests by journalists at France 3 as the press began to talk seriously and Taponier Stéphane Hervé Ghesquière. However, their names are officially released in mid-April: More than four months, the public could not be sure of the identity of the two journalists kidnapped in Afghanistan.

In June, after six months of captivity, the defense minister and the head of France Televisions, finally moving to Afghanistan to start negotiations. Nicolas Sarkozy declared that the government would do everything possible ... And again: nothing.

In September, we speak of a "reasonable expectation" of a release before Christmas, and December, we communicate with friends and Taponier Stéphane Hervé Ghesquière - and all those interested in their fate - that the Afghan government would act alongside the French.

fact remains that the day of the concert in Montpellier, the anniversary of the kidnapping, the two journalists were not next to their friends for listening to music. And they were anywhere else in France because, despite all the good words, they are still hostages.

friends and Taponier Stéphane Hervé Ghesquière are sad and angry. The others nod. "Why?" Asked a lady in her fifties who told the comedy never having met the two journalists. "It is not possible that we can not do anything for them. France has still some influence ..." And she adds, a little less sure of herself: "Is not it?"

Un concert à Montpellier A young man is angry after listening to the speeches of local politicians. "It's fine to say that the people and the press to follow through," he complains, "it sounds great in the mouth of a politician. But it means say what? What is it? "And he gives his own answer:" Nothing. "-" We are a region of the left and we assume, "says one also and that it "should not silence the press." A voice in the public responds: "Such statements do not change the fate of Herve Stephan and ..."

It is clear that the public took advantage of the Montpellier concert the support of two journalists. "It's rare that the comedy has seen such a heap of great artists," said a lady in her forties. There are people who remained faithful to the music during all six hours of the concert. "Fabulous," said a gentleman of the same age.

A woman in her thirties agrees: "A great concert for two friends that we should not forget," she said. But then she gets carried away. "One thing that does not please me. It speaks of two French journalists, Stéphane Hervé Ghesquière Taponier and is very good and we should not stop one day. But the two were not alone . Three other people were abducted with them - and those we do not talk hardly at all. I wonder why. Because they are not journalists? Or because they are not French ... ?

Right now, nobody knows, when Stephane Taponier and Hervé Ghesquière will be with us again - and their three companions among their people. "Everything we have," said a young lady who is part of the Support Committee and Herve Stephan, "they are words. Empty words." And a man in his fifties said: "It's so easy for terrorists and oppressors of tying the press. The press must not be oppressed."

Montpellier : journalistes en Afghanistan The team People from Montpellier and Montpellier Press Online appeals to all the people who inhabit our land, those who live in peace or would love to live in peace, thinking of our colleagues and friends, and Stéphane Hervé Ghesquière Taponier, and ensure that nobody in the world will suffer most from war, injustice, fantasies of power and, especially , hatred.

Happy New Year to everyone whose heart knows love, who love the land and peace. Happy New Year to all those of good will!

team of the People of Montpellier and Montpellier Press Online
Photos and text are copyright Doris Kneller

Thursday, December 30, 2010

No Sew Basketball Fleece Scarf

The Wintertime Montpellier : Christmas market

Slightly more user-friendly and crafts? - Atmosphere in Montpellier at Christmas

Jour de Noël à Montpellier Christmas in Montpellier. The Christmas market on the Comedy and the Esplanade, the winter is not over yet. But today, no shops are open. No? - If one shop is open ... and save the environment for those who have come to drink their glass of mulled wine festivals.

And not only wine and hot chocolate to be found to stand pleasantly interrupts the monotony of a market for Christmas shopping white, empty, closed. Those who have the time and inclination to also find a bit of culture. They learn, for example, the difference between chocolate and hot chocolate Viennese, they understand, why the Viennese chocolate was renamed Liege - it was the first world war, when we still loved the chocolate Viennese but does dared not utter a name referring to Germany - and a child achieves a kind and gentle way that throwing his chewing gum on the floor is perhaps not the best solution ...

Nobody knows what the other traders this Christmas day. And nobody dares to criticize them: "They too have families." But the disappointment is feeling well. "A Christmas market closed Christmas, "jokes a young man, and another adds:" Because the Santa is unionized. "

Les Hivernales à Montpellier However, the Christmas market is not lacking too, this day of celebration." We saw everything, "said a lady with two young children." Every time we crossed the Place de la Comedie, we watched a little. "She smiled." Now we all know, is not? "she addressed to his eldest son about three years. Another woman, older, even relieved," For once, do not fight their way through the masses "she says.

Indeed, during the weeks before Christmas, almost always Wintertime saw masses of visitors. But visitors en masse, it is there to do good business? - "Most people spend just to go to the Polygon Opera or the Comedie Corum," complained one trader. "If they have a little time, they stop sometimes, but not to buy. Just out of curiosity." And another: "People have more money."

consumer side, we hear different voices. "I do not even look over the stands," said a lady in her fifties. "I know them all. These are the same who come every year in winter for winter and summer for the summer. And in between, we see the markets. "Another lady, a little younger, especially the critical nature of the goods:" These things I can buy them anywhere. I do not know if the craft is still on the other Christmas markets, but in winter Montpellier, I find that resellers. "A gentleman in his sixties is in agreement." I liked the markets where you could talk with the artists and craftsmen. At that time, the markets still had the flair of the 'unique'. What we saw, we never saw anywhere else. "

Montpellier, les Hivernales 2010 A young trader includes the withholding of Montpellier. "This year will," she said in a voice a little sad, "the market is nothing easy. When it rains, people are upset. And on sunny days, there are still many people we can not quietly Thatcher. Everybody is stressed out. "

What then? If people no longer like the Wintertime, the city of Montpellier should it be removed? "No," cried one lady spontaneously than thirty years. "Christmas without Christmas market is like ... it's like Easter without eggs." And a younger woman said: "How come in a Christmas mood if there is no winter?"

"No, certainly not remove the Christmas market," said a man also in his fifties. "But maybe improve a few things. It should, for example, allow a sort of corridor on the Place de la Comédie for people to pass. Place de la Comedie is a place of passage, we can not ask everyone to dive into the crowd and in preparation for Christmas only because it crosses the square. "

A lady of about the same age likes the idea of a "corridor". "I go through the Comedie each day two same time, to work. And being forced to move always stands beside and around people who stop in the middle of the road to watch me so tired I do not even want to take advantage of the market. "

Then, you want to see the craftsmen. "A Christmas market with lots of artisans, it would be too cool" features a young man, and he adds, with a little languor in his voice, as if recalled the "good old days": "As before. Twenty years ago, the Christmas markets were great ... "
Photos and text are copyright Doris Kneller

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Smoke Alarm Beep Every Minute

Santa Montpellier: pensions, illiteracy, working conditions ...

... and if Santa revolted? - The Inter-Christmas push to revolt

Père Noël à Montpellier They all have red caps, and they look real Santas. But one thing that distinguishes the old man full of goodness: they are not in agreement. They refuse to continue to take their evil philosophically, to forgive everything and everyone. In short, the Santas from Montpellier, not so nice "than that," rebel. Their new motto

: "Too much work" and "made less than brats!" - Fathers Christmas who want fewer children? Would you not say that it is precisely Santa loves all children and can not get enough?

Montpellier : Père Noël en révolte But no. Goodness fabulous traditional Santa Claus is no longer showing. Too much is too much: "It was the balls." If you look closely at the working conditions of the old messenger of peace and carrying countless bags of gift, one begins to understand: "Cadences hell, worse working conditions, temperatures lower and lower." And worse, the chimneys are more rotten, but the birth rate is rising, even more rotten chimneys to cross. Then, with all the goodwill of Santas more or less wise, they no longer support what he calls the "illiterate children": "Tired of illiteracy!" Is there a cure? - Probably not, but at least, "Correction of letters of child !"...

Everybody talks about pensions? The Santas of Montpellier are no exception. They said the "retreat to 167 years" is more bearable. Santa modern demands' pension 150 years without a discount, "because" we do not contribute 107 years! "Here .... About

messenger of peace - that peace is also part of the claims of Santas Montpellier. They complain of" daily aggressions for an iPad or iPhone. "And if we already speaks: "competition of Halloween and the Internet" ... it either does not last.

Père Noël à Montpellier : les retraites What else? Instead of reducing the number of Santa Claus - yes, he too is concerned by the crisis - he claims the "overall control of the birthrate," which, according to representatives of the profession Montpellier, would be much more logical. And, finally, "a real coverage "," full recognition of the profession and its harshness "and why not?" Christmas best left in the year ", because" we also have a family again! "

A joke at the end of year of the "National League of Santa Claus," engineered by "History Channel" to call "the Inter Christmas? - Certainly. But maybe not so funny as this ...

"The 'unitary anger' Father Christmas is well and good," said a passer than fifty years. "We all agree to laugh at their claims, agreed. But when they are considered more serious, the laughter turns yellow. "

A woman of thirty years did not laugh either." The evil Santas express bothers us all. Right now, we swim in the so-called happiness, they say that it is Christmas and that everyone should be happy. Imagine how many people are not happy at all these days, and there, I do not mean that Christmas?

Another woman, younger, laughs when she sees the manifestation of Santas angry, but then it becomes serious. "The problem of pensions and working conditions, we should not forget, not even when where everyone thinks only of gifts. "

" There's no Christmas this year will, "said a lady in her forties." Not for everyone. And I do not believe that Father Christmas will have to complain about too much work. Instead of too much unemployment, "she says, bitterly." At a time when people can not afford gifts, we no longer need Santa Claus. "

A Gentleman in fifties to observe a moment the demonstration. Then he whispered a few words in the ear of a Father Christmas. The man with red cap smiles and adds a new claim to his "anger list" "We claim the trees without thorns!"

A lady in her fifties as she nods head: "Yes, a job without thorns, this would be a nice Christmas present."
Photos and text are copyright Doris Kneller

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Saturday Night Live Christopher Lowell

Pedestrian streets in Covent

Tram, lights out and work: Walking in Montpellier

Montpellier, le tram et les piétons 19 hours, a small street between the Comedy and the station. Two young men jostle slightly a lady in her sixties who find their way by feeling. It insults the two men do not care about her. Then, she whispers with an angry tone: "They all believe they can make. And worse, they're right ..."

"They" in this case, it is not the two young men, but the mayor of Montpellier. The lady is not alone in having trouble ahead: it is absolutely black in the street. From time to time, the headlights of a car glide stealthily along the sidewalk. A few seconds later, he was again plunged into darkness.

"It has now lasted over a week - there is more light in the street. Or sometimes the light comes back for an hour or two later, nothing," said a lady a little more younger than the first. "If, again, the pavement is in fair condition. But no, he is full of holes. My neighbor dare leave home from 17 hours. She's afraid of breaking a leg or an arm .. . She is right, it's very dangerous. "

Why some streets of Montpellier they are - completely or for a few hours - deprived of light? Nobody seems to know. "I do not know," also said a man in his thirties. "I guess it's related to the work of the tram. But I do not really understand why it's only a couple streets and not others."

Tour de la Babote à Montpellier The team People Montpellier wanted to know more. So she called the press service of the city of Montpellier - who also was unaware. However, they promised to make inquiries and request to "assistant manager" to remind the journal online ... This recall was never held. The reason for the darkness in the streets of Montpellier remains - dark.

However, being a pedestrian in Montpellier not only poses problems at night. During the day, life "on foot" is often as dangerous.

10 hours at the corner of Boulevard Victor Hugo and Rue de la République. Pedestrians arriving from the station, the Rue de la Republique. They want to cross the Boulevard Victor Hugo to enter in the courtyard of the Babote. "Before," said a lady, "there was a fire here." That fire still exists - but since the tram works started, it stopped working. Pedestrians

so patiently observe traffic coming up the side of Alexander Laissac. After a while, the cars stop. Pedestrians to cross the street, but already, other cars arrive: this time, what are those side Boulevard du Jeu de Paume. Some cross current, exposing themselves to danger ... Fortunately, drivers slow down. A gentleman raised his hand, braving the traffic.

parking à Montpellier A lady with a stroller is desperate: "If I was alone, it would pose less of a problem. But with him," she pats her baby's eyes, "I can not take the risk. This street is now too dangerous. But what I can do? I must cross. " An older lady gets involved in the conversation. "If you want to cross safely, you must climb up the comedy, almost." A gentleman in his forties also gives his commentary: "The excuse used to work at all. I really do not see any reason to deprive us of the red light here. This is really too dangerous crossroads. Or, if you can not activate the fire, because the work could place a cop. "

The lady with the stroller broke into a bitter laugh." Cops? They are too busy to put PV are poorly parked cars. Assist pedestrians is not their job. "- Finally, Mr. located in the middle of the street and cars stop to allow women to gain safe entry of Babote. Fortunately, there Mutual Montpellier

... ... But the work - the Montpellier are really happy to get the tram line 3? "Yes," sighed a lady in her thirties, "I am glad we will have a third line. But by then, Life will not be easy. In 'normal', there is barely a car in town - and now they have deleted a lot of these car parks, which previously were not already enough. One is then obliged to take the tram or bus. But the buses have become a curse. It is said that the delay was due to permanent work - I think the Tam mocks us. There are buses that come from parts of the city that are not affected by the work - so their delay has nothing to do necessarily with line 3 ... Tam tells us anything. "

Another lady of about the same age complains about the conditions for pedestrians in the streets around the station. "We do spend more," she says. "The pavement is full of people waiting buses, and they do not move to let the others. We must therefore walk in the streets. But it's very dangerous because buses that circulate everywhere now. Among the works People waiting buses and buses themselves - there are simply more room for pedestrians. A real trap. "

Montpellier, the city with the largest pedestrian square of France, has it become a "trap" for those who go on foot? A gentleman in his fifties laughs. "Pedestrian in Montpellier? You should not be in love. The pavements are too narrow to pass to two. "

" Maybe not a trap, "replied another of Mr approximately the same age," but being a pedestrian in Montpellier is easier. Sometimes I think that with all the worries about the new tram, officials have simply forgotten that we, the pedestrians, there exists ... "
Photos and text are copyright Doris Kneller

Monday, December 6, 2010

Best Wax Spa Palm Springs

Montpellier Corum Montpellier

Montpellier: Covent Scop village, economic development and social economy

Montpellier, Coventis : village de Scop is a friendly and relaxed atmosphere that the third edition of the Convention of the social economy Covent opened its doors to the Corum in Montpellier. More structured than previous editions, although they had received 1500 visitors last year, this year's Covent enjoys support from Europe and offers a novelty as village Scop. 122 exhibitors in total is met for two days to promote a model of economic development with a human face, but not only ...

returned to Paris in extremis in the morning, the Regional Prefect Claude Baland, came to inaugurate the convention. Just arrived, it disappeared in the crowd to greet the exhibitors and visitors, leaving only a few moments his guests: Robert Navarro, Vice President of the Regional Council of Languedoc Roussillon accompanied by Mrs. Mary Miller, delegate to the social economy, Mr. Guy Barbotteau, Speaker regional social economy and Jean Louis Cabrespine, president of the National Council of CRES waited to make the ribbon cutting. After a brief stint in the pits to reach the podium, partners Covent spoke in a generalized hubbub to discuss issues and the commitments that have these two days.

Inauguration de Coventis à Montpellier The representative of the Region and the Regional Chamber recalled that these meetings would allow actors in the social economy and solidarity to meet and discuss at round tables - but also and above all do business and encourage the international development sector.

The prefect, Claude Baland, stressed the significance of such savings in the economy of the Languedoc Roussillon alone justifies its presence and support in the management modes of organization. The social economy is Indeed alone one percent of area businesses, or three per cent of employees in Languedoc-Roussillon.

Job creation is a crucial issue in the region is the new president of the Regional Christian Bourquin has come to reaffirm its commitment to continue the commitment of his predecessor, Georges Freche, Claude Baland recalled the sad record Registered unemployment in the region, higher than the national average.

During the two days of Covent, like students of the social economy came to find an internship or exchange some ideas, visitors wandered from booth to another, curious about the specifics of a mode of economic organization and social presence in many sectors such as banking, mutual, agriculture, tourism and even in the habitat.

La convention - 'Coventis' à Montpellier There are many meetings with exhibitors more anxious than ever to show that it is possible to do business while respecting and contributing actively to the development of local life in France but also abroad. Such is the case of Paul Llonguet, became an active member of an NGO of development Peru to help children in difficult circumstances and organizes tourist stays together. After several years in banking, personal experience leads him to do humanitarian few months in Peru. Seduced by these new missions, Paul has been developing Llonguet visits in which the traveler finds himself immersed in villages, among the children housed in structures built by the NGOs . It may participate in village life with the children, visit the Pearl of Peru and fully discover the culture of the villagers. ' NGO helps organize their villages tourism. Part of the funds raised contribute to the development of children's villages.

Another association organizes solidarity tourism visits in several countries in Latin America offering tourists the opportunity to experience and observe the local life but participation this time. The traveler decides to sandstone to its desires and its schedule of activities he would do. Villages that have asked for travelers involved in any autonomy welcomed its guests. In this system, six percent of the price stays will be donated to the host villages to promote their development. For Paul

Llonguet like this other association, the purpose of their visit to the convention is to raise awareness and recognition but also to partner, to receive financial support and to be able to market their stay with committees corporate exhibitors at the show.

Locally, we find Paul Lemaître behind for a little over a year the collective "Feast for Oc" that connects farmers Park of Haut Languedoc with buyers from the catering such as schools or houses Retirement and promotes quality local products. For Pauline, the convention is primarily an invitation from the incubator project, without whom the project would probably not have happened, so installation was complex. It expects the convention to talk about the Association and to inform local stakeholders and visitors to their operation.
Photos and text: copyright & Valerie SudDesign Chosson