Friday, December 31, 2010

Cervix At Menstruation

Montpellier Montpellier: A Concert for Stephen Taponier and Hervé Ghesquière

"Steph and Herve were with us this evening, the concert will be perfect." - Montpellier, one year after Stephane Taponier and Hervé Ghesquière

Un concert pour Stéphane Taponier et Hervé Ghesquière "This is not normal," said Mr. in his sixties, "they hurt anyone."
The man who speaks
stands in front of the Opera Comedy on the Place de la Comedie in Montpellier. Before him on the steps of the Opera-Comedie, a concert takes place gigantic fifty groups and singers came to Montpellier to present an evening of music that will be memorable, a real birthday party. But this is not a happy anniversary. It marks a year of captivity for two men that many people know and are liked by all those who have encountered: Herve Stephan and, as told by people who feel close to them. They think Taponier and Stéphane Hervé Ghesquière, the two journalists held hostage in Afghanistan.

The word we hear more, tonight on the Place de la Comédie, is "courage." It is probably a lot of courage to Stéphane Taponier, Hervé Ghesquière, their families and friends to cope. For since October, the 304th day of their ordeal in Afghanistan where the press club of Montpellier, in collaboration with the city - Helena Mandroux was present - has launched 304 balloons "to not forget them", nothing has moved.

Un concert pour les deux journalistes enlevés en Afghanistan Indeed, almost nothing has changed throughout this year. In early February, more than two months after their abduction, France Televisions is silent. Only after protests by journalists at France 3 as the press began to talk seriously and Taponier Stéphane Hervé Ghesquière. However, their names are officially released in mid-April: More than four months, the public could not be sure of the identity of the two journalists kidnapped in Afghanistan.

In June, after six months of captivity, the defense minister and the head of France Televisions, finally moving to Afghanistan to start negotiations. Nicolas Sarkozy declared that the government would do everything possible ... And again: nothing.

In September, we speak of a "reasonable expectation" of a release before Christmas, and December, we communicate with friends and Taponier Stéphane Hervé Ghesquière - and all those interested in their fate - that the Afghan government would act alongside the French.

fact remains that the day of the concert in Montpellier, the anniversary of the kidnapping, the two journalists were not next to their friends for listening to music. And they were anywhere else in France because, despite all the good words, they are still hostages.

friends and Taponier Stéphane Hervé Ghesquière are sad and angry. The others nod. "Why?" Asked a lady in her fifties who told the comedy never having met the two journalists. "It is not possible that we can not do anything for them. France has still some influence ..." And she adds, a little less sure of herself: "Is not it?"

Un concert à Montpellier A young man is angry after listening to the speeches of local politicians. "It's fine to say that the people and the press to follow through," he complains, "it sounds great in the mouth of a politician. But it means say what? What is it? "And he gives his own answer:" Nothing. "-" We are a region of the left and we assume, "says one also and that it "should not silence the press." A voice in the public responds: "Such statements do not change the fate of Herve Stephan and ..."

It is clear that the public took advantage of the Montpellier concert the support of two journalists. "It's rare that the comedy has seen such a heap of great artists," said a lady in her forties. There are people who remained faithful to the music during all six hours of the concert. "Fabulous," said a gentleman of the same age.

A woman in her thirties agrees: "A great concert for two friends that we should not forget," she said. But then she gets carried away. "One thing that does not please me. It speaks of two French journalists, Stéphane Hervé Ghesquière Taponier and is very good and we should not stop one day. But the two were not alone . Three other people were abducted with them - and those we do not talk hardly at all. I wonder why. Because they are not journalists? Or because they are not French ... ?

Right now, nobody knows, when Stephane Taponier and Hervé Ghesquière will be with us again - and their three companions among their people. "Everything we have," said a young lady who is part of the Support Committee and Herve Stephan, "they are words. Empty words." And a man in his fifties said: "It's so easy for terrorists and oppressors of tying the press. The press must not be oppressed."

Montpellier : journalistes en Afghanistan The team People from Montpellier and Montpellier Press Online appeals to all the people who inhabit our land, those who live in peace or would love to live in peace, thinking of our colleagues and friends, and Stéphane Hervé Ghesquière Taponier, and ensure that nobody in the world will suffer most from war, injustice, fantasies of power and, especially , hatred.

Happy New Year to everyone whose heart knows love, who love the land and peace. Happy New Year to all those of good will!

team of the People of Montpellier and Montpellier Press Online
Photos and text are copyright Doris Kneller


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