Saturday, December 25, 2010

Smoke Alarm Beep Every Minute

Santa Montpellier: pensions, illiteracy, working conditions ...

... and if Santa revolted? - The Inter-Christmas push to revolt

Père Noël à Montpellier They all have red caps, and they look real Santas. But one thing that distinguishes the old man full of goodness: they are not in agreement. They refuse to continue to take their evil philosophically, to forgive everything and everyone. In short, the Santas from Montpellier, not so nice "than that," rebel. Their new motto

: "Too much work" and "made less than brats!" - Fathers Christmas who want fewer children? Would you not say that it is precisely Santa loves all children and can not get enough?

Montpellier : Père Noël en révolte But no. Goodness fabulous traditional Santa Claus is no longer showing. Too much is too much: "It was the balls." If you look closely at the working conditions of the old messenger of peace and carrying countless bags of gift, one begins to understand: "Cadences hell, worse working conditions, temperatures lower and lower." And worse, the chimneys are more rotten, but the birth rate is rising, even more rotten chimneys to cross. Then, with all the goodwill of Santas more or less wise, they no longer support what he calls the "illiterate children": "Tired of illiteracy!" Is there a cure? - Probably not, but at least, "Correction of letters of child !"...

Everybody talks about pensions? The Santas of Montpellier are no exception. They said the "retreat to 167 years" is more bearable. Santa modern demands' pension 150 years without a discount, "because" we do not contribute 107 years! "Here .... About

messenger of peace - that peace is also part of the claims of Santas Montpellier. They complain of" daily aggressions for an iPad or iPhone. "And if we already speaks: "competition of Halloween and the Internet" ... it either does not last.

Père Noël à Montpellier : les retraites What else? Instead of reducing the number of Santa Claus - yes, he too is concerned by the crisis - he claims the "overall control of the birthrate," which, according to representatives of the profession Montpellier, would be much more logical. And, finally, "a real coverage "," full recognition of the profession and its harshness "and why not?" Christmas best left in the year ", because" we also have a family again! "

A joke at the end of year of the "National League of Santa Claus," engineered by "History Channel" to call "the Inter Christmas? - Certainly. But maybe not so funny as this ...

"The 'unitary anger' Father Christmas is well and good," said a passer than fifty years. "We all agree to laugh at their claims, agreed. But when they are considered more serious, the laughter turns yellow. "

A woman of thirty years did not laugh either." The evil Santas express bothers us all. Right now, we swim in the so-called happiness, they say that it is Christmas and that everyone should be happy. Imagine how many people are not happy at all these days, and there, I do not mean that Christmas?

Another woman, younger, laughs when she sees the manifestation of Santas angry, but then it becomes serious. "The problem of pensions and working conditions, we should not forget, not even when where everyone thinks only of gifts. "

" There's no Christmas this year will, "said a lady in her forties." Not for everyone. And I do not believe that Father Christmas will have to complain about too much work. Instead of too much unemployment, "she says, bitterly." At a time when people can not afford gifts, we no longer need Santa Claus. "

A Gentleman in fifties to observe a moment the demonstration. Then he whispered a few words in the ear of a Father Christmas. The man with red cap smiles and adds a new claim to his "anger list" "We claim the trees without thorns!"

A lady in her fifties as she nods head: "Yes, a job without thorns, this would be a nice Christmas present."
Photos and text are copyright Doris Kneller


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