Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Frat Initiation Games

the strike: the trams and the day of action in Montpellier

The Montpellier

not showing: vox pop at the Place de la Comedie

Jour d'action à Montpellier "Today, it's not a day of action, but mobilization" , said a member of the CGT. "Everyone does what he wants - a company can make a strike or not, it is absolutely free."

For Tuesday mobilization, just 19 urban transport networks have given notice - while at the action day of 28 October they were still 32. Montpellier and its trams, "specialists of strikes", as expressed by a lady in her fifties, are part strikers "tireless".

"If I'm sick days of action and engagement?" Again a woman in her thirties the issue of team People Montpellier . "I'll tell you something: I have enormous respect for people who are fighting for a good cause. But Tam in Montpellier, I think more. His employees go on strike whenever they want, nationwide strike or not. Frankly, I'm sick. The tram is not a political struggle, but a nightmare. "

Manifestation pour les retraites, Montpellier During his vox pops, team People Montpellier found that this lady is not alone in complaining about the attitude of Montpellier, and especially buses and trams in the fight against Inter. After interviewing thousands of protesters, she wanted to hear the views of "others", those who do not show.

October 28, 2010, Place de la Comedie. A crowd of protesters pushed around the Fountain of Three Graces. People watch the march, some smiling, others nod. Still others sit on the terraces of Comedy, a cup of coffee or a glass of beer, and they observe the event.

"Why I do not participate?" meets a young man who, with his girlfriend, drinking beer. From time to time, it points to one or the other demonstrators, and both burst out laughing. "Because I have nothing to do. Those who have jobs can fight for their pensions, if they like. But it's not my battle. First, I would have to work ... "

Grève à Montpellier Is it true that so many unemployed, we are not concerned of the objectives of the event? - "Nonsense," replied a man a little older. "We're all concerned. I'm unemployed too." - And why is the coffee at the event? "Because it's too late." Sarkozy is the stronger. "

" It no longer concerns me, "said a lady in her sixties." I have my retirement. Why do you think I manifest? "- And the retirement of your children and grandchildren? - The lady turns around. The conversation is closed.

" I do not show, because it does not sense, "said a gentleman in his forties, who also observes the event sitting at a glass of beer." It's very nice to walk in the afternoon in town. But do you really think it changes anything? Those of the government, they laugh at our walk and our strikes innocent. Mr Sarkozy's ministers do not the tram. "

" I'm not interested in politics, "said a young woman." I work - I am a teacher - and I have a family. All goes well, then, is not it? "And the man sitting at his table adds:" The demonstrations, it is for those who do not want to work. "

" Protesters me scary, "said another gentleman of about fifty years." There is always looking for a fight. They do not care retreats. All they want is to break the cars and throw stones at the police. "

" At the time, "sighs a gentleman in the right sixties," in the 70, I expressed myself. But everything has changed. We are still believed in our cause, we thought that everything would be possible. We also believed in the honesty of politicians. We knew they were not our opinion. They were targeting other goals than us. But deep down, we were confident they would not lose sight of the 'welfare of the people. "He lets out a bitter laugh." Today, we no longer believe in anything. "And he adds, as if it just addressed to himself: "And especially not in the honesty of some people."

"I'm English," said a young woman with an accent strong enough. "These things do not concern me. "Then she made a grimace, adding:" And they make much noise. "-" How can you say that? "Another young woman at his table, also has a strong emphasis, mingles in the conversation. "Although we are not French, it is watching us." It is for the team "Gens de Montpellier": "I live in Montpellier for five years. And I work here. I am concerned, so far as the French. "- And why does it have a coffee while others show? -" I do not know, "she says and shrugs." You're right, I should walk with the others. "
Photos and text are copyright Doris Kneller


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