Eighth protest against the reform of the pension system: always demonstrators in the streets of Montpellier, Montpellier

Suddenly, a protester threw himself with dark glasses on the car, pounded, kicked and pretends to want to attack the driver. Immediately, he is surrounded by a dozen protesters who took him away by force. "Everything is their fault," shouted the man with dark glasses, speaking North Africans. "It's because of them that I have to work until age 70." and "Arabs out!"
He did not understand anything, "said one protester in his entourage." No, it's an agitator, "corrects another and a third advance: "... Paid by the government." Others say nothing, but many seem disgusted. A few minutes later, the man with dark glasses leaves the middle of the procession and arrived at the Place de la Comedie, he abandons the event by the Boulevard Victor Hugo ...

"I just wanted to remind the protesters that no one is alone in the fight," said Sylvia, director of "Fight Choir," and added that his choir, despite its musical quality, would not professional. "I just distributed texts, and those who came felt like singing. "
" Yes, you're right, "responded a woman in her thirties to the remark of the team Montpellier People," we are perhaps be more than ten thousand to protest. But ten thousand people decided not to give up, it counts. "And a man a little older adds:" It's not quantity that counts, but quality. "

A question that arises often in the ranks of the demonstrators is the future. "That movement will he become?" Or "What will we do? Continue to show once or twice a week? " or, simply, "The movement is there an end?
This question about the future of the movement was also at the heart of a GAM Interpro which took place at Peyrou after of the event. The first concern was the refusal of the mayor - "which, however, is for demonstrations," as told participants at the party - give them a room. But, finally, everyone was positive, next time, they would need to meet "in the cold."

Who is this young man wanted to know the team of the People of Montpellier, who so kindly buys vegetables that are cooked in a large pot gardens Peyrou, which leads bowls and dishes for everyone. ..? "Say," Benedict replied, "it's just a man who wants people eat together and enjoy to discuss issues at this time, are important for everyone. "
In any case, the AG has not Interpro separated without at least an idea worth to be submitted to decision makers National: organizing a huge demonstration in Paris. An event that would block the entire city and that would bring the government there are many in France who are not in agreement.
"If everybody goes to Paris "probably one of the participants at the meeting," they will think we abandoned the movement in the province. "-" But no, the other involved, "it appears overwhelmingly to Paris, then resume the fight in small towns. "-" Protest in Paris or not, "said one student," we can not continue like that. Everyone does not have time to manifest so often and, in addition, those who have power do not care. If it is not something more solid, the 'visible', we can both stop the movement. But this, "she adds," is out of the question. "
" Whatever we do, "said a man in his sixties," the last word is not pronounced. The people are running, we'll see what we'll see. "
Photos and text are copyright Doris Kneller
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