The new round of Agora of Knowledge in Montpellier: The ideals of knowledge

Agora of Knowledge, a series of lectures at Montpellier, already last year was a huge success, it's "pure science". But a science accessible to all those who are curious about the forces that animate the world, life, minds - and man. This science is available to Montpellier by their mayor - like last year, Helen Mandroux, mayor of Montpellier, attended the first conference - in collaboration with the library Sauramps.

"If I have attended another conference in the Agora of Knowledge?" Again a woman in her fifties question raised by the team of People Montpellier . She smiled. "Oh yes, you can say it like this. Since the Agora there, I have not missed a single conference."
The lady is not alone. For 70 percent of those interviewed by the "People of Montpellier at the issue from the center Rabelais, Sylviane Agacinski conference was not the first in the Agora of Knowledge. And several people have assured that they have attended all previous events Agora Knowledge.

"I could not come sooner," said a lady in her forties who had found a corner on the steps of the hall. "But I really wanted to attend the conference. Yes," she continued after a new question, "I'd even left standing." Then she reflects. "What I find so ... now, the subjects are well chosen. Take today's topic, the values of society. I think it's very current. They say all the time that young people would have no values. Everybody talks about money. We think only yourself. "
The Montpellier Rabelais who attend the center of the Agora evenings of Knowledge are they all adherents of science? -" No, "replied a gentleman in his thirties "I'm not really interested in science. Or rather, I am not interested me before the Agora of Knowledge. This is where I got a taste. "- Since he frequents parties organized by the city of Montpellier and the library Sauramps devotes more time to science as outside conferences? - "Yes, a little. Last year I bought two books written by players. I found them very interesting." - Without the Agora of Knowledge would he had the idea to buy scientific books? "Not really. I would not have known that these perpetrators are and I would not have had the idea of being interested in their books."
"I think it's fantastic that I understand everything they say," said a lady in her forties. "Or almost. I always thought that I would not be able to understand science. Agora has shown me otherwise. Now I can not deprive me of those evenings I became 'hooked'." She laughs. "They have roused my curiosity." Yes, "she adds," I am glad that a new cycle has begun. "
However, it is clear that unanimity does not reign nowhere. "Yes, I liked it," replied a young man a little hesitant. "That is to say that the topic was interesting. But the conference was too superficial. It has not really addressed the topic, not enough" - Is this the first time he attends an evening Agora knowledge? "Yes, we talked a lot about myself, but I'm a little disappointed." - Would he anyway? "Probably yes. To see if I like most other conferences. "
A woman in her thirties reacts to the answers Sylviane Agacinski gave in response to questions from the audience." What she said about women's right to decide on their body, I am agree. But it is a speech I heard so many times, from my feminist friends, I can not find it very original. "
And next week? The room will she again if height? "Next Wednesday," recalled a man in his forties, "we will talk about the myth of science. I will come for sure. The conference will certainly be very interesting. "- Almost all interviewed by the Montpellier team Montpellier People feel the same: "Yes, I will come back next time." - Except a young lady: "Next Wednesday I'd unfortunately unable to attend. But I will attend the conference next week."
Other items on the Agora of Knowledge: Knowledge of
Agora Montpellier: the third cycle
JC Bousquet and natural museum
Photos and text: Copyright Doris Kneller
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