Friday, January 7, 2011

How To Program A Noma Thermostat

A Christmas gift for children

collection of gifts at the Range, Odysseum, Géant Casino and Carrefour

Noël des enfants de Montpellier Almost a thousand small Montpellier and Montpellier were able to receive a gift two days before Christmas. Esplanade Charles de Gaulle, to the Corum was full of children who probably had no other gifts, or Christmas, or ordinary days ... - "Although it is difficult to imagine," remark as a lady in her thirties, "that so many children who live here in the middle of our consumer society, living in poverty."

The idea of this action came from the mayor of Montpellier, in collaboration with the major aid organizations. But those who have really helped is the people of Montpellier. It is they who have given gifts to volunteers posted in malls, the Polygon, the Odysseum Giant Casino to Close to Arena and Carrefour Lattes. "In advertising," a critic of Mr approximately fifty years, precisely, do their shopping at the Range, "they will mention the town hall and shopping malls. But not the people who in fact gave the gifts." - Has he slipped a gift in the "bag" of volunteers? - "No, I prefer to decide myself how I offer a child a gift."

A lady a little younger agrees. "I find this shameful deed, at the limit," she proclaims. "Yes, although Montpellier give something for the children. But how the mayor can she ask that?" She has enough resources pay for itself presents to poor children. "And her daughter, a student in Paris who spent the holiday with his mother, added:" I think malls should not give permission to seek gifts to people within their premises, but they should offer them themselves. How do you want people to be generous if the richest are not?

Cadeaux de Noël pour les enfants de Montpellier "The question is badly put," replied a gentleman of thirty-year derogation from the international team Gens de Montpellier . "The question is not what I think of collecting gifts for poor children, but what I think the existence of poor children in our society. "

" What is worse, "said a lady of about the same age," is that nobody knows exactly how many of Poor children in France. "-" There are only talking about children, "interrupted his girlfriend, as she says, came at the Range to choose gifts for friends who, she says," did not really need to get gifts. They can afford to buy anything they want. "And she continues:" But the poor, it is never as children. In general, there is always a family back there. And a destiny. Adults who have failed to be a part of the assets of the company's well-being. "

His girlfriend, of course, has already studied the subject, takes the floor." Did you know that nobody is worthy of study to name the poor children in France until 2004? "She talks a survey conducted by Council for Employment, Income and Social Cohesion. According to the study, presented as the public report, eight per cent Children and young people under 18 live in conditions below the poverty line ... if we apply the definitions of poverty set by France. If, cons, it is based on European references, the figure is doubled: 16 percent of French children, so some two million children do not know the standard of living, according to advertising and what is called the opinion "General" is considered "normal" by most of the French.

Montpellier fait des cadeaux aux enfants "What we must fear," adds the first of the two ladies, "is that all these children may become criminals. Because from the beginning, almost from birth, they are not lesser chance of getting 'out'. "

"No, I did not give a gift to the collection," answered a lady in her sixties at the issue of team People Montpellier . "Everything is so expensive that I can just buy something for my grandchildren. ... With my little retreat"

"I never give anything to the collection," said another lady a little younger than the last. "I am wary of collections. Most of the things that give land for children of so-called volunteers."

Fortunately, the lady is quite alone in his opinion. "I admire these people," said one young man, "they give their time without waiting for any reward, not even a thank you. We talk about the organizations behind this action, the city hall and everything. But they are not elected officials who are on the ground. Those who do the work remain anonymous. "

Vox Other articles written by the team People from Montpellier's website Montpellier Press Online
Photos and text are copyright Doris Kneller


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