Monday, January 24, 2011

Creels For Sale Scotland

: Helen Mandroux and gay marriage

Mandroux Helena, Mayor of Montpellier, is planning a gay wedding ceremony

Hélène Mandroux soutient le mariage gay
Helena Mandroux fight for gay marriage

There are more than a year, in November 2009, Helen Mandroux, mayor of Montpellier, showed a again that "minorities" can count on it. Right now, the topic of gay marriages was in the air, it talked about - but for those who are concerned, we do not talk enough.

"I ask this government to show political courage," said Helen Mandroux date in November 2009 and it took a clear position for the opening of marriage to same-sex couples. "That day, the gay organizations Montpellier staged a demonstration on the Place du Marché aux fleurs - a peaceful form of a concert in front of Helen Mandroux accompanied by other representatives of the municipality, Patrick Bloche, Deputy Mayor in Paris and co-author of the PACS, which already in January 2008, filed a bill on gay marriage, sixty mayors and around 8,000 spectators.

The concert of the Flower Market was not the first - or last - time the mayor of Montpellier has expressed desire for gender equality and the right of everyone to be happy. Two months later, she wrote a letter to Nicolas Sarkozy to demand the marriage of same sex couples - without receiving a response. Helen Mandroux renewed so should we named "Call of Montpellier", advocating that gay couples have the same access to marriage and civil partnership than the others, with equal rights, for example in case of death one partner. She also insisted on the problems of gay couples of different nationalities, unlike heterosexual couples where the French spouse can ensure that its partner be safe even if no longer able to care for him, a gay French has no chance of securing the future of the person he loves.

Hélène Mandroux soutient Stéphane Taponier et Hervé Ghesquière
Helena Mandroux committed to
Stéphane Taponier and Hervé Ghesquière

Helena Mandroux also regrets the delay of France compared to Canada, South Africa and other European countries : Sweden, for example, introduced the marriage of gay couples in 2009, but already in the early 80s, the lovers could have the official blessing of the priests. But in the meantime, the legalization of gay love is possible in Canada and South Africa. Another European country where marriage between same sex partners permitted is Portugal.

Florin Robin, president of radio station FM Divergence and his companion Portuguese, Tito Livio Santos Mota, intended to take advantage of this Portuguese law. They lived together for 25 years, and marriage is one of their greatest desires. So they turned to the Portuguese embassy in Marseille, and their wedding date was set ... But they had not reckoned with the French state. Given that gay marriage is illegal in France, the home of Robin Florin got involved, describes as the president of Divergence FM, and the Portuguese authorities were obliged to cancel the ceremony.

Helena Mandroux no legal means to "reward" the loss of Florin and Tito Livio Robin Santos Mota, but it can support. She is ready to unite with a symbolic act which, as Robin Florin hopes, might affect French attitudes.

Hélène Mandroux et Haïti
Helena Mandroux and Haiti

And attitudes Montpellier? While waiting for the verdict announced constitutional January 28, the team People Montpellier asked the inhabitants of the city near the Mediterranean. And, true to their reputation of being an "open mind", most respondents agreed with the initiative of the mayor. There was obviously answers like "We could see everything," "What now?", A terse "Why bother?" or "I do not like marriage," but in general, Montpellier are for gay marriage.

"For once, I want to say 'bravo' to a politician," said a gentleman of about sixty years. He explained that he would not be gay but for him it not change anything. A young woman submits this response: "Everybody wants to be happy, is not it?" she exclaims to then add: "If I have the right to marry my friend, why is my boyfriend gay should not marry his? What is the difference?

Several people do not know if "marriage is good for gays," but they are of the opinion that "everyone should have the right to live as he pleases." - "... as long as it does not hurt others, "adds Mr than forty years, and he continued:" And I would not know how a gay marriage could hurt. Except those, perhaps, who are jealous of all those who love ... "A lady

midlife tells the story of a friend who lives with her partner for over thirty years - without, of course, have the right to marry. "Is not this a nice example is that?" she asks. "I do not know many couples who love each other even after more than thirty years. Most couples 'normal' to leave after a few years. The law should not encourage it true love?

A lady of about thirty years speaks of children. "I am a nurse," she says, "and I see a lot children mistreated or just loved. I began to doubt the idea that a mother loves her child automatically, just because she is a mother. They say that, but it's not true. I have seen too many examples that prove otherwise. I wish people who care for children like - otherwise they only create sadness and crime. If I were President, I would allow gays to adopt children, finally, to all couples, under conditions they like them more than some 'mothers' that I encountered.
Photos and text are copyright Doris Kneller


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