Friday, February 4, 2011

Basketball Fleece Scarves

Story of a lost palace

Here's where my readings around the garden Ca'Morosini led me ...

Burning L. Carlevarijs, Il Palazzo Morosini prospetto sul Campo (1703)

As I mentioned in the post on the garden Ca'Morosini, my research finally brought me in a different field but very interesting. You should know that where we can now see the garden stood a magnificent palace.
go back first to the 15th century when the family was Erizzo owner. Paolo Erizzo the baile of Negroponte, who has finished sawn in half, alive, by the Turks in 1470, was born here. "The plan of Jacopo de'Barbari shows a large area under cultivation was already there at the 15th century." (P.191, Juggle) It was then that the family decides palazzetto to rebuild a Palladian style on the Rio Casino with overlooking the garden. The façade facing the canal was frescoed by Paolo Veronese.

Description frescoes by Veronese, Paolo Veronese extract, sua vita e sue opere , Pietro Cagliari, 1888, p.42.

Another building overlooking the calle. Between the two, the garden. Above the entrance gate on the land side, a fresco attributed to the young Titian (perhaps dating from 1510) representing Hercules. Under an inscription in Greek classical figlio di Giove Ercole (here translated into Italian).

Molmenti in his book Privacy in Venice from the earliest times to the fall of the Republic , cites the garden Erizzo: "[the late sixteenth century] Several palaces had carefully cultivated gardens and at great expense. The most famous, about this time were those of San Erizzo Canciano, surrounded by large buildings [...] "(p.262)

At current 16th century, the palace goes to Morosini, who has other palaces around which the palace Taxi neighbor Morosini dal Giardin). The venue will then know several major transformations.
Changes to the building by Longhena and disappearance of the large garden which is replaced by a spacious courtyard paved with bricks and patterns of white marble. On the one hand, we could see a row of rooms (wing built by Longhena) richly decorated.

Basically, river side, is the casino frescoed with its two towers on either side of the building at the center of which there are three main arches. Cadastral plans are instructive and interesting because they allow us to better understand what could serve different parts. For example, regarding the two towers that are at the bottom of the garden, we learn that it used the right of stairs while in the other, the second floor was a scritorio . And in Part Longhena are reported under the atrio, two wells. I read in an article by Dorit Raines (-La biblioteca e il suo museo patrizia "social capital" - modelli dei nuovi illuministici veneziani el'imitazione aggregati, p.8) a paragraph regarding the library which Morosini was in the casino in the garden on the second floor of palazzetto and the small family museum all complemented by a view of either the canal or the beautiful courtyard. (What would I have given to see that, or better yet, to spend an afternoon quietly reading while listening to the lapping of water below ...)
From Rio, we can still see what appears to be the remains of the water gate of the old casino .

Etchings V. Coronelli Palazzo Morosini dal Giardin, facciata sul rio (1709) and Cortile del Palazzo Morosini (1709)

Suite the extinction of this branch of the Morosini, the palace passed to cavaliere Francesco and Lorenzo Procurator Morosini. They already had their beautiful home in Santo Stefano decided to rent the palace Valmarana that will occupy several years. Moschini reports that 19th century it was occupied by Corniani Bernardino.

Description by Ghero, who made two etchings of places, at the end of 18th century: "È una magnifica di costruzione e assai vasto. Ha sopratutto a con atrio cortile coperto, sostenuto da nel column davanti, che, credere to me, in questa parte lo make it cospicuo più ed it più maestoso di Venezia "
Do have reached us that some images are not enough to give us a clear idea of what it could be but sufficient to make us regret the destruction of this enigmatic palace.

Unfortunately, in 1820 the heirs of the Morosini family decide to leave the palace. It is from this moment begins the dismantling of the palace. February 20, 1820, written Cicogna in his diary that the state of Venice deteriorates considerably and deplores the general neglect that plagues the city. Then he added April 21, 1829: "Today, we transferred the statues that were in the atrio Palace in San Canciano Morosini Morosini-Gattenburg the palace in Santo Stefano." In 1829, what remains is razed to the ground.

Remains of the old building next to Rio
Former door frame reused

Remains: A transenna of 16th century, probably from one of the railings of the palace, built into the wall on the campiello Valmarana which has been preserved and reused after the destruction of the palace.
doors the 17th century reimplanted side of Calle della posta
A fragment of the extension side rio
Another door 17th century on the ground floor of Institute

Cadastre, Museo Correr

Plans du Morosini Palace in San Canciano, Admiranda Urbis Venetae , dessin de Visentini

Extrait de destroyed buildings in Venice or faces to use different from that to which they were originally intended , Giuseppe de Tassini, 1885, p.126.

Quelques anecdotes historiques autour du palais Morosini the Garden:
Au courant du siècle s'est 17th tenuous dans le palais de l'Assemblée the Academy of the industrious. The 31 décembre 1709, le roi Frederick IV of Denmark the fut invité d'honneur of a grand bal, raconte par événement dans son Giustina Renier Michiel Origin of Venetian celebrations " On Jan. 31 was assigned to the Cav. Morosini St. Canzian to give the first party. Unfortunately the wind and snow prevented to be able to enjoy this' magnificent machines, the structure and breadth of the palace had done imagine. The pretty garden lighting, which divided the apartments, he could not get its effect, but to the covered terrace, which brings them all together, and where vedevasi the greatest magnificence in every genre. The party succeeded superb, brilliant and very numerous. Fred danced until after three o'clock in the morning. "
Mariagrazia Dammicco: Venetian Gardens, 2003, pp.66-71.
Thomas Jonglez: unusual Venise secrète et , 2010, p.191.
Christian Mold-Ravenna Gardens secret in Venice, 2005, pp.70-73.
Elena Bassi: palaces of Venice, 1976, pp. 268-277.
Alvise Zorzi: Venice disappearance, vol. 2, p.465.


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