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Theatre comic Montpellier: Montpellier Téléploucs

comedy comedy of Cicrane Montpellier: the average French , TV and solitude

La Cicrane, théâtre comique à Montpellier Saturday evening, entered the theater of the comic Cicrane. A couple, both about forty years, studying the posters. They want to enter the theater, hesitating. Finally, the gentleman wants to know if the piece is really funny. "Will I be able to laugh?" cares there. Bouygues Claudine But before that, this evening, maintains the fund, could answer, a spectator obviously accustomed speaks: "Sure," she says, and: "If here, you are not able to laugh, you laugh .. ". ... and the man, smiling, finishes the sentence: "If I'm not kidding here, I can laugh anywhere. I understand." Then he bought the tickets.

Michel Saillard, author of most parts of the Cicrane, director, actor, drama teacher and husband of Claudine Bouygues, which also is an actress, director and "soul" of the little comic theater is of the opinion that a theatrical comedy should not necessarily be "profound." In the case of "Téléploucs", he pays one of his charming smiles, but at the same time, a little mocking on the public and announced that, culturally, they would have arrived at zero. From here, the level of the parts they would Cicrane could only go up ...

Solitude et télé : Montpellier et la comédie théâtrale However, although it is true that "Téléploucs" often provoke laughter just fun, no "ulterior motive" without "depth", the cultural level of the piece can not be considered "totally zero. A comment on the Michel Saillard comedy in general is excellently to "Téléploucs" means the Director of Cicrane is of the opinion that it is better to live for two full minutes of reflection bored "in depth" for two hours.

And these "two minutes of reflection", the "Téléploucs" them widely. Insiders cartoons, they recall the famous Bidochon a little, the work of French designer Christian must Binet, known to reflect the "French way". And even though at first glance, the pair of brother and sister - played by Michel Saillard, sister, and Pierre Escande, the brother who, by a failed administration called Mary - Nothing of the "French way" - they live in the countryside, no TV, no power - their philosophy, their judgments of current and prejudices many of those approaching Bidochon.

the foreground of "Téléploucs" is obviously one of the favorite subjects of the French TV. The brother and sister Marie Guénolé (another failed administration) obviously do not have a TV. But they live in the place which by its geographical position, receives the most TV programs in the world. All it takes is a satellite dish, a TV .... and current to run the job.

Here, the "differences" are completed. Of course, the "French way" already has a TV. But he too is subject to administrative errors and that, no less, without it being said explicitly, dominates the room: solitude. For Guénolé alone, terribly alone - and that she would not find a husband ...

Thus, it is not really on TV at the heart of "Téléploucs", but loneliness. Guénolé do not know how others see it. She is unable to judge its own "intelligence". Her brother takes her for silly, but it has the same impression of his brother ... All she knows is the universe in which she lives and one "outside" - the factor, for example - will take her home. But, like all humans, not just the "French way", it needs to communicate, not to be alone, to feel that there is someone famous ...

The characters of "Téléploucs" communicate. However, as so often in "real life", they communicate well. But they also communicate with the public, tear it from the solitude of the viewer. In some scenes, the audience is part of the play, is lonely and feels Guénolé with insecurity people who want both things, eternal disability, are not part of their world.

However, "Michel said Saillard, two minutes of thinking - even if the" Téléploucs "exceed - are sufficient, and it is time to laugh again. But again, the fun is not quite pure, it is perhaps a touch of envy in the laughter of the audience. For Mary and Guénolé enviable have found a way to get rid of bulky characters, for example, a police inspector played by Claudine Bouygues: a beast, one of the stars of the piece although it never sees but we hear swallowing those who could disrupt the world not so quiet that it has the air of the peasant couple.

Here there is nothing left of the spirit of Bidochon. Or at least none of their opportunities "French way". For who, "medium" or not, would not like to have a ferocious beast that repels trouble without a trace? With the ferocious beast, the story turns back to comics. However, this time, this is not the man and woman who, wisely, trying to blend into polite society, but rather a Carmen Cru, this old woman who became evil, created by French designer Jean- Marc Lelong. Carmen Cru lives under the influence of the bitter experiences and the discovery that the age does not raise the contempt of the young. It could therefore react like other people his age, retire, live in fear and misunderstanding. But she refuses - she instead built his own world where "others" have no place. And if they get inside, too bad for them.

The beast of "Téléploucs" thus constitutes the achievement of dreams for a Carmen Cru - have a way to weed out those who come to destroy the world he belongs. However, is it just a dream to Carmen Cru or, rather, that of Bidochon, the famous "French way"?

short, viewers of "Téléploucs" leave with a smile. For a while, they forgot their own dreams, they laugh. But the smile does not stop frowning eyebrows a little, thinking about Mary and Guénolé, administrative errors, television, loneliness and the desire to keep intact a little world of their own.

Theatre Cicrane the comic in Montpellier:
Michel Saillard and his comic theater
Photos and text are copyright Doris Kneller


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