Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My Face Gets Hot After I Eat

Trip (3)

Second day: December 14, 2010

barely lifted quickly to the window to see the weather ! Calle is so close that I need to open the window and get their heads out to see the sky! It is blue, so good ... Breakfast and I'm out around 9am. Walk in Cannaregio, around the Maddalena, beautiful morning light ideal for reflections on the water.

Then I leave for Rialto. Short stop at Campiello del Remer (the one overlooking the Grand Canal) with its beautiful square coping well and fine remains of Byzantine architecture that adorn the facade of the palace.

Campiello del Remer

Traversée du pont du Rialto, qui à cette heure, est encore fréquentable… Autour de San Luca, petit arrêt au palazza Grimani (cour d’appel) où je demande au gardien la permission de photographier le beau puits qui se trouve dans la cour intérieure. Je n’ai pu m’empêcher de sourire lorsqu’il m’a demandé comment je connaissais l’existence de ce puits! Conversation brève étant donné mon extinction de voix, mais amusante.

Cour intérieure du Palazzo Grimani

Puis j’ai erré autour the Rio terà Column to where I was trying to find the Sottoportego the same name, without a plan ... I turned round without a trace and I continued my way. Bertoni stop at the bookstore to buy a few books I left on deposit for the day (a little too heavy to lug around). On the piazza, searching to find the plate from the destruction of the first church of San Geminiano (see p.88-89 in Venice unusual and secret).

Branch Santa Maria Formosa where I had an appointment with Silvano, a photographer friend. A small bite in a typical osteria and walk in Cannaregio. Some discoveries for me: Calle Varisco I had not seen it yet, the beautiful and the Morosina corte degli Amai (or Amadi).

Calle Varisco (one of the narrowest of Venice)

Corte Morosina

Corte degli Amai o Amadi

Then it was time to go back and Maite Helena on the campo Zanipolo and go home to warm a bit before Rosa Salva back on the road for the rest of the walk in Castello. To be continued ...


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